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Here’s How To Make Online Compliance Training Engaging, Efficient, And Fast

According to an MIT study, the ideal length for a learning video should be between 6 and 9 minutes.

Why Your Busy Employees Dread Online Compliance Training (And How To Fix That)

The answer is simple. Most compliance and ethics training programs are dull and repetitive. With a majority of compliance training courses being well over 40 minutes long, most employees find it hard to focus and end up mentally checking out after a few minutes. According to MIT, the ideal length for a learning video should be between 6 and 9 minutes.

For most employees, it is difficult to free up a lot of time in their schedule for training. It doesn’t take much time to complete microlearning courses, which makes continuous development and further training for busy employees suddenly a lot more interesting. They acquire the necessary knowledge in a minimum amount of time.

A bored man wondering why his company does use Limesmart microlearning course

What does a microlearning course look like? Check out the Anticompetitive Practices course below.

The essence of microlearning is to get to the point.

Portrait of an Asian woman sits on the floor using a laptop. She is happy and OK.

How To Get Better Compliance Training Results

It’s a fact that mind-numbingly long compliance training courses are counter-productive.

Xcelus is here to offer a refreshing alternative to conventional online compliance training with shorter, bite-sized microlearning videos that replace 40 plus minutes compliance training courses and maximize engagement. 

Think about it – imagine if your code of conduct compliance training could be done 5-7 minutes per month.  The compliance department would become the employees’ new BFF.

What Makes LIMESMART Microlearning Stand Out?

Clock showing 6 minutes long

Short & Concise

Replacing 30-60-minute courses with shorter, more concise 2-7 minute compliance training courses saves precious company time. It retains the attention of your employees, thus ensuring better results.

Microlearning Modules

These attention-grabbing microlearning compliance training modules review the topic at hand (code of conduct, anti-bribery, anti-trust, insider trading, etc.) and offer 2-3 scenarios in just 2-7 minutes for maximum engagement.

Two sales people talking at a bar

Real-World Scenarios

Equipping your employees with the necessary tools to avoid common pitfalls is crucial. LimeSmart’s ethics training modules include 2-3 animated real-world scenarios that your employees can easily relate to and understand.

What course topics do I get with my annual subscription?

LIMESMART microlearning course topics

  1. Accurate Records and Reporting
  2. Anticompetitive Practices
  3. Antibribery and Corruption 
  4. Anit-money Laundering
  5. Conflicts of Interest
  6. Gifts and Entertainment
  7. Global Trade and Export Controls
  8. Insider Trading
  9. Internet Use at the Office
  10. Reporting and Nonretaliation Policy
  11. Providing a Safe and Respectful Workplace (Sexual Harassment)
  12. Providing a Safe and Respectful Workplace (Non-Sexual Harassment)
  13. Protecting Confidential Information
  14. Proper Social Media Use
  15. Secure Workplace – Protecting Intellectual Property
  16. Using Company Resources
  17. IT Security Awareness – Phishing
  18. IT Security Awareness – Passwords

The microlearning course library expands monthly with new topics and scenarios for your compliance program.

Compliance topics for Limesmart microlearning course

Our customized compliance courses train over 400,000 employees in over 25 countries each year.

Increase The Efficiency Of Your Company’s Compliance Training

LIMESMART‘s Game-Changing Approach To Compliance Training Will Offer You Faster And Better Results

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