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Three Elements in a Culture of Compliance: Part I

Continuous Communication

Creating a culture of Compliance – Continuous Communication

Creating a Culture of Compliance can be difficult task with a lot of moving pieces, but there are several benefits.  In this post we will be considering the topic Continuous Communication to help build a culture of compliance.

A company that only deals with problems as they become obvious is setting itself up for failure and can result in a climate of putting out fires instead of preventing them. Employees are most successful at being compliant when they are frequently reminded of the reasons for these compliance policies and the protections that they afford to the employee and the company.

A company-wide compliance program should not be a secret to employees.  Many companies simply send out a link to a company compliance document once a year to remind employees, but is that enough communication to create a culture of compliance? Continuous, varied communication which raises awareness to compliance programs is key to creating a successful culture of compliance. Certain company divisions or job roles that are often exposed to compliance dilemmas or ethical situations need more frequent, tailored communication to specific company divisions such as sales, purchasing or R&D. This tailored communication is critical to a successful culture of compliance.

When employees understand why compliance laws matter and are convinced that management sees compliance as a priority, only then will they be motivated to learn and remember the stipulations of their compliance program.

What are you doing to create a culture of compliance?

How often do you communicate your compliance program to your employees?

Do you tailor your compliance communications differently based on company divisions or job roles?

In part two, we examine how continuous communication sets the stage for continuous training. Once the culture of compliance is firmly established, employees are able conduct business with much more security and confidence in their decisions.

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