Compliance Training – Off-the-Shelf vs. Customized Courses

2021-03-17T09:07:02-06:00March 10th, 2021|Compliance Blog, Todd's Blog|

“It wasn’t in the compliance training materials.” That’s a phrase most compliance officers don’t want to hear from their colleagues or employees, especially if something they did triggered an investigation or lawsuit. Hearing something like that should raise tons of red flags, not only from a legal perspective, but also from a training viewpoint. [...]

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How much does it cost to produce an online elearning course?

2021-04-01T16:05:51-06:00February 12th, 2021|eLearning, Todd's Blog, Training, Training Videos|

Question: How much does it cost to produce an online eLearning course? Answer: It depends! As a training development vendor, this is the most common question I get asked about online eLearning courses.  There is no straightforward answer to this question. A common pricing practice will start with a $500 per minute based on [...]

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Compliance Training – PowerPoint Course vs Paid Options – is it Worth the Cost?

2021-04-15T07:42:27-06:00May 11th, 2017|Blog/News, Code of Conduct Training, Compliance Blog, Culture of Compliance, FCPA / Anti-bribery, Todd's Blog, Training, Xcelus|

Compliance Training - PowerPoint Course vs Paid Options A corporate contact recently asked me to help justify paying for an online compliance training course when the company had a good PowerPoint slide deck that employees and partners could review and sign upon completion. The question of PowerPoint deck vs professional training courses really depends on [...]

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Blueprint Course Style

2017-07-12T13:22:02-06:00January 29th, 2016|Todd's Blog, Xcelus News Blog|

Xcelus introduces a new simple animation course style, Blueprint, for compliance and corporate training. Xcelus develops over 100 custom training courses each year in a variety of formats from simple animation to full video production.  All custom courses can be published in SCORM, AICC or MP4 formats depending on the course type and [...]

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What If Compliance Training was More Like a Marketing Campaign?

2016-12-28T13:21:44-07:00September 16th, 2014|Code of Conduct Training, Compliance Blog, Culture of Compliance, FCPA / Anti-bribery, Todd's Blog|

Recent 'memory' research shows that students forget 70% of what we teach within 24 hours of a training event.  This is part of a concept called the 'Forgetting Curve' where over a period of given time you forget things that your brain determines as no longer useful. (Learning Solutions Magazine) That is a daunting thought if you are [...]

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Optimal Video Length for Training Videos

2016-12-28T13:21:44-07:00September 15th, 2014|eLearning, Todd's Blog, Training Videos|

A few months ago, while talking to a potential client about several of our online compliance training courses like Business Ethics, Code of Conduct, and Workplace Harassment, she asked what the average course length was for Xcelus courses.  I told her that most of our online compliance courses averaged about 12-14 minutes in length.  She immediately questioned [...]

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The Socialization of Learning

2021-04-06T07:50:29-06:00June 2nd, 2014|Blog/News, Todd's Blog|

Social media is now the underlying social structure of our human existence. Yes, we do meet up in person from time to time, but let’s be honest, most of our interactions with others happen digitally. There are some interesting trends surrounding how we behave on social media. Here are a few statistics to consider: [...]

Simply Social

2016-12-28T13:21:44-07:00April 22nd, 2014|Blog/News, Millennial, Todd's Blog|

By guest blogger, @austindressman  For many business owners and managers, social media isn't so simple. However, odds are that over half of your employees engage on social media, at least once a day - to these employees, it is simple.  In fact, it’s becoming even more of an essential part of internal communications for businesses. Social [...]

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5 Video Tips for Trainers: Tell Your Story through Video Composition

2016-12-28T13:21:44-07:00April 7th, 2014|Blog/News, Todd's Blog, Training, Training Videos|

There is a common phrase thrown out in business that says, “The medium is the message.” The phrase is meant to emphasize how a message meaning can change depending on the means by which it is conveyed. The same is true when it comes to video composition. The composition you choose to use may either [...]

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Meeting Millennials Where They Stand

2016-12-28T13:21:44-07:00March 24th, 2014|Todd's Blog, Xcelus|

By guest blogger - Austin Dressman The past couple blogs have covered the rise of the millennial generation, their behaviors and how best to educate them on important issues. In the corporate world, there are many instances where training is needed.  From company policy to compliance issues, your new age employees need to be in-the-know [...]

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