Ten Things That Keep Chief Compliance Officers Awake at Night 

2024-01-05T13:51:26-07:00January 5th, 2024|Blog/News, Compliance Blog, Culture of Compliance, Leadership, Todd's Blog, Training|

Ten Things That Keep Chief Compliance Officers Awake at Night  As managing a company that develops custom training courses, I have interacted with many Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) and their team members when developing compliance-related courses. One of the first questions I ask the CCO is: What keeps you awake at night, and how [...]

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“Tone at the Top”: The Catalyst for Organizational Ethics and Business Conduct

2023-09-26T09:46:41-06:00September 26th, 2023|Blog/News, Compliance Blog, Todd's Blog|

Tone at the Top When it comes to shaping an organization's ethical landscape, few factors are as influential as the "tone at the top." Leaders, be they C-suite executives or board members, play a pivotal role in setting the ethical climate of an organization. Their attitudes, actions, and decisions reverberate throughout the ranks, often [...]

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The Board of Directors: Guardians of Ethical Business Conduct

2023-09-18T17:28:32-06:00September 18th, 2023|Articles, Todd's Blog|

The Board of Directors: Guardians of Ethical Business Conduct The Board of Directors is indispensable in guiding an organization's ethical trajectory. Often positioned at the zenith of corporate governance, the Board's influence permeates through every layer of a company. Their responsibilities transcend mere strategic oversight; they serve as custodians of the organization's ethical standards, [...]

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The Importance of Leadership Succession Training – Ensuring Long-Term Success

2023-08-02T15:21:41-06:00August 2nd, 2023|Leadership, Todd's Blog, Training|

Introduction In today's dynamic business landscape, organizations face numerous challenges that require effective leadership at every level. However, many companies overlook a critical aspect of sustained success: leadership succession planning. By implementing a comprehensive leadership succession training program, companies can proactively develop and nurture the next generation of leaders, ensuring continuity, adaptability, and sustained [...]

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10 Crucial Compliance Training Topics Every Employee Should Know

2023-05-17T12:18:40-06:00May 17th, 2023|Code of Conduct Training, Compliance Blog, Culture of Compliance, Todd's Blog|

10 Crucial Compliance Training Topics Every Employee Should Know Compliance training is an indispensable element in the fabric of any thriving organization. It equips employees with the necessary knowledge of industry-specific rules, regulations, and ethical standards. It's important to note that while the following ten topics are crucial, this list is only partial. Each [...]

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Adding Gamification to Your Compliance Training

2022-04-14T10:23:05-06:00April 4th, 2022|Blog/News, Compliance Blog, Todd's Blog|

Compliance training is essential, and while it's crucial for businesses, the reality is that it can be a bit monotonous. Gamification can breathe new life into compliance training. By making the experience more fun and interactive, you can keep employees engaged and motivated throughout the entire process. This article will discuss the benefits of [...]

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Advantages of Microlearning in Corporate Learning Programs

2022-02-02T10:04:10-07:00February 2nd, 2022|Code of Conduct Training, Compliance Blog, Culture of Compliance, Todd's Blog|

Advantages of Microlearning Modern companies need corporate training solutions that are easy for employers and employees. Microlearning-based training fits that bill. It is a somewhat new concept that organizations are slowly adapting in the hope of addressing today’s common learning challenges. Let’s discuss microlearning in the workplace and how corporate learning programs can benefit [...]

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What is Microlearning

2022-02-02T09:45:50-07:00January 5th, 2022|Microlearning, Todd's Blog|

Microlearning is especially ideal for acquiring, repeating, or refreshing knowledge.We all use microlearning daily. We do this, for example, when we do an internet search for the answer to a question about a DIY project, when we read an informative article, or when we watch an online tutorial video to learn how to change a [...]

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Is Microlearning Right For Your Business?

2021-10-20T08:55:25-06:00October 20th, 2021|Blog/News, Microlearning, Todd's Blog|

Is Microlearning Right For Your Business? Microlearning is built on the concept of Learner Centric, based on the needs of the learner. It is an approach capable of combining several strengths such as conciseness and speed, or even availability and adaptability.  What is Microlearning? We all use microlearning daily. We do this, for example, [...]

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Compliance Training – Off-the-Shelf vs. Customized Courses

2021-03-17T09:07:02-06:00March 10th, 2021|Compliance Blog, Todd's Blog|

“It wasn’t in the compliance training materials.” That’s a phrase most compliance officers don’t want to hear from their colleagues or employees, especially if something they did triggered an investigation or lawsuit. Hearing something like that should raise tons of red flags, not only from a legal perspective, but also from a training viewpoint. [...]

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