Adding Gamification to Your Compliance Training

2022-04-14T10:23:05-06:00April 4th, 2022|Blog/News, Compliance Blog, Todd's Blog|

Compliance training is essential, and while it's crucial for businesses, the reality is that it can be a bit monotonous. Gamification can breathe new life into compliance training. By making the experience more fun and interactive, you can keep employees engaged and motivated throughout the entire process. This article will discuss the benefits of [...]

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Advantages of Microlearning in Corporate Learning Programs

2022-02-02T10:04:10-07:00February 2nd, 2022|Code of Conduct Training, Compliance Blog, Culture of Compliance, Todd's Blog|

Advantages of Microlearning Modern companies need corporate training solutions that are easy for employers and employees. Microlearning-based training fits that bill. It is a somewhat new concept that organizations are slowly adapting in the hope of addressing today’s common learning challenges. Let’s discuss microlearning in the workplace and how corporate learning programs can benefit [...]

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What is Microlearning

2022-02-02T09:45:50-07:00January 5th, 2022|Microlearning, Todd's Blog|

Microlearning is especially ideal for acquiring, repeating, or refreshing knowledge.We all use microlearning daily. We do this, for example, when we do an internet search for the answer to a question about a DIY project, when we read an informative article, or when we watch an online tutorial video to learn how to change a [...]

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Is Microlearning Right For Your Business?

2021-10-20T08:55:25-06:00October 20th, 2021|Blog/News, Microlearning, Todd's Blog|

Is Microlearning Right For Your Business? Microlearning is built on the concept of Learner Centric, based on the needs of the learner. It is an approach capable of combining several strengths such as conciseness and speed, or even availability and adaptability.  What is Microlearning? We all use microlearning daily. We do this, for example, [...]

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Why You Should Translate Your Compliance Training

2021-08-24T11:37:45-06:00August 24th, 2021|Blog/News, Compliance Blog|

Today’s business world is filled with complexities that increase risks, particularly for firms operating internationally. Mitigating risk is a core objective for compliance departments, and a large part of achieving that is developing policies to guide employee behavior within the legal and regulatory parameters. For companies operating internationally, though, compliance is a tricky matter. [...]

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Elements in the Culture of Compliance: Part III

2021-03-17T11:13:50-06:00March 17th, 2021|Compliance Blog, Culture of Compliance, eLearning, Millennial, Training, Training Videos, Xcelus|

We conclude our series on how to create and maintain a culture of compliance with recognition of the rapidly changing world of contemporary business. What was true six months ago may not be an adequate description of today’s business environment. That’s why the department responsible for communications and training on compliance issues must stay [...]

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Elements in the Culture of Compliance: Part II

2021-03-29T09:12:38-06:00March 17th, 2021|Compliance Blog, Culture of Compliance|

Culture of Convenience vs Culture of Compliance Part I demonstrated what it takes to foster a company-wide “Culture of Compliance” through continuous communication. Compliance courses and communicating company compliance objectives properly are crucial to establishing an effective culture of compliance. Multiple Touch Points However, compliance training doesn't have to end when the initial compliance course [...]

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Three Elements in a Culture of Compliance: Part I

2021-03-16T14:36:27-06:00March 16th, 2021|Compliance Blog|

Creating a culture of Compliance - Continuous Communication Creating a Culture of Compliance can be difficult task with a lot of moving pieces, but there are several benefits.  In this post we will be considering the topic Continuous Communication to help build a culture of compliance. A company that only deals with problems as [...]

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Compliance Training – Off-the-Shelf vs. Customized Courses

2021-03-17T09:07:02-06:00March 10th, 2021|Compliance Blog, Todd's Blog|

“It wasn’t in the compliance training materials.” That’s a phrase most compliance officers don’t want to hear from their colleagues or employees, especially if something they did triggered an investigation or lawsuit. Hearing something like that should raise tons of red flags, not only from a legal perspective, but also from a training viewpoint. [...]

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How much does it cost to produce an online elearning course?

2021-04-01T16:05:51-06:00February 12th, 2021|eLearning, Todd's Blog, Training, Training Videos|

Question: How much does it cost to produce an online eLearning course? Answer: It depends! As a training development vendor, this is the most common question I get asked about online eLearning courses.  There is no straightforward answer to this question. A common pricing practice will start with a $500 per minute based on [...]

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