Compliance training is essential, and while it’s crucial for businesses, the reality is that it can be a bit monotonous. Gamification can breathe new life into compliance training. By making the experience more fun and interactive, you can keep employees engaged and motivated throughout the entire process. This article will discuss the benefits of gamification and how you can add it to your own compliance program.
What is gamification?

Gamification is adding game-like elements to a task or activity to online training to make it more fun and engaging. Gamification can be used in a variety of settings, including education, business, and even personal productivity.
Some of the benefits of using game-like elements in compliance training include:
Increased Engagement
Gamification can help to keep employees engaged throughout the training process. When training is more interesting and interactive, employees are less likely to get bored or distracted.
Greater Motivation
Gamification can also motivate employees to learn and comply with the rules. When employees are rewarded for their achievements, they are more likely to try their best and comply with the training.
Improved retention
Gamification can also help improve retention rates. When employees are able to learn and retain the information better, there is less of a chance that they will break the rules or violate compliance policies.
How can you add gamification to your compliance training?
There are several ways that you can add gamification to your compliance training. Here are a few ideas:
- Gamified quizzes: Quizzes are a great way to test employees’ knowledge and understanding of the material. Gamifying the quiz experience can make it more fun and engaging. For example, you could give employees points for each question they answer correctly or award bonus points for completing the quiz quickly.
- Gamified courses: You can also add game-like elements to entire compliance courses. This can make the experience more interactive and fun. Some ideas include adding levels, awarding badges for accomplishments, and providing bonus points for completing the course quickly.
- Gamified tasks: You can also add gamification to specific tasks or activities within a compliance course. For example, you could require employees to complete a task in a certain amount of time or reward them for meeting deadlines.
- Create a narrative: Bring the different pieces of a course together by having a narrative or story that takes you from the beginning to the end to allow the user to be invested.
Gamification can make compliance training more interesting and engaging for employees. Adding game-like elements to the training can keep employees motivated and improve retention rates. There are many ways to add gamification to your compliance training program, so be sure to explore all of your options.