Compliance Toolkit for Compliance Teams
“The presence of a robust, dynamic on-going compliance campaign clearly demonstrates a company is creating a culture of compliance.”
A Culture of Compliance doesn’t happen overnight. While compliance training can be effective for informing employees about a company’s standards, it does not ensure they will remember and be inspired to hold those values in their hearts. Only a robust, on-going campaign can accomplish such a thing.
The Xcelus Compliance Toolkit is an on-going compliance campaign designed to help companies go beyond compliance training, to creating a culture of compliance, a culture in which employees take to heart their company’s standards. Working in harmony with existing training programs, the core toolkit contains the following items for each compliance topic:
- Compliance Reminders Videos – Short scenario based video about compliance topics
- 10 -15 minute Compliance Webinars – A short scenario based webinar focusing on a specific compliance subject. The webinar length is 7 -8 minutes with opportunities to have a discussion with employees about the compliance scenario.
- Compliance Posters – Wall posters based upon the compliance theme for break rooms and high traffic areas
- Compliance Postcards – Simple reminders with the same look-and-feel as the posters that can be delivered through a company’s internal mail process
- Mobile Code of Conduct app for Android and iPhone – Put your Code of Conduct into the hands of your employees with our Code of Conduct App (Click here for a web demo or scan qr code below to open with phone or tablet device.)
Sample Compliance Campaign toolkit
Campaign Title: Code of Conduct Policy – Protecting Confidential Information
Step 1 – Compliance Reminder Video
Email link to “Disclosing Confidential Information” reminder video to employees along with your Code of Conduct Policy.
Step 2: Compliance Posters and Desk drop postcards
Place “Disclosing Confidential Information” posters in break-rooms, bathrooms and hallways throughout you offices.
Step 3 – Conduct “Disclosing Confidential Information” Q&A Webinar.
Step 4 – Code of Conduct App
Introduce your Company’s new mobile compliance Code of Conduct app – Compliance at your finger tips!
Step 5 – Repeat next month with a new compliance topic
The Compliance Toolkit can also be customized to meet specific needs of your company. Additional components include:
- Online Games that test your employees compliance knowledge
- Online compliance contests
Employees are not required to take large block of time. Rather, the topics taught in compliance training courses are reinforced on a regular basis with reminders that often take just seconds of an employee’s time.
Reinforce your company’s compliance training program with the Xcelus Compliance Toolkit. Contact Xcelus now for Compliance Toolkit pricing.